February 8th – SOLD OUT & other wee updates

Sold Out February PosterHi guy, just to let you know our February 8th show has sold out.  It was our quickest sell out for a full show. (we had a January comedy show sell out in five days, two days before the event;but, that was a comedy show not a full enterteasement show) This show sold out in eight days and two weeks before the actual show.  Our previous record for selling out was eight days before a show so we are delighted that so many of you are coming back and spreading the word to others thank you!

Is it really sold out or can I still get tickets?

ALL THE TICKETS ARE GONE! Please read www.enterteasement.com/sold-out before you think about contacting us asking for tickets – we love the word ‘yes’ and hate the word ‘no’ so we hate saying, “I’m sorry we have no tickets left”

March 8th – Dark Show

Our next show is on March 8th and will be a little bit darker than normal.  Four of the performers on the bill will be making a comeback having nor appeared for over a year and we have two new perfomers as well so this show will be very fresh!

Cupake has returned!

Cupcake the manager

Who is Cupcake?  Cupcake is one of the luckiest things to ever happen to Enterteasement.   When we started we had no idea how to run events or the whole burlesque side of things – we just knew people wanted

something different.   Cupcake (she’s called this because she’s small and everyone loves her – just like Cupcakes) had ran several variety night and burlesque shows in London and was a Godsend.  She started off as an assistant but it quickly became apparent that she was running the night and she was promoted to Manager.


The Dream Team: Cupake & Star

Having trained up several assistants.  She discovered Star and immediately Cupca

2 Managers Cupcake & Star

ke said “She’s got it” Cupcake was then offered a great job in New Zealand or Thailand (I always get it wrong) and she couldn’t turn it down.  It was a sad day but I was happy Star was there because at least I knew Enterteasement was in safe hands.  However, we’ve never ran as smoothly as when Star & Cupcake worked together.

We received a wee email from Cupcake informing us that after a year of being away she was missing Paisley (don’t ask) and she was returning and looking forward to seeing the show.  We offered her job back and not wanting to rock the boat as Star was doing such a good job.  But with a little arm twisting, begging and threatening to ban her from shows she has decided to bring the cupcakeness back!  So we no longer have manager & assistant, just two joint managers.  Feeling very lucky to have my dream team back 🙂
2014 just got exciting!



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