
Movie Ticket NormalLooking for tickets for one of our shows? Fantastic!! All you need to know (hopefully) will be on this page.

How do I buy tickets?

    1. Find a show date that you fancy
    2. Decide how many tickets you would like
    3. Decide what ticket type(s) you would like
    4. Make the payment

Finding a show

Our shows run mainly run on the first Saturday of the month and tickets can be found here by either looking to the right of the screen on the homepage where you’ll find show listing for the night 3 months or for a full listing check here:

If you don’t see tickets it could be because of several reasons:

  • We haven’t confirmed the line-up. (we don’t put the shows live till we have confirmed the performers)
  • We sometimes have a month off (January / July)
  • Sometimes we move because we clash with big events i.e. football matches (rarely happens) 
  • Sometimes we put on an extra shows for special dates and these might not be on a Saturday (i.e. the comedy festival)

Quantity Of Tickets

If you’re coming on your own or as a couple then you don’t need to bother about this…however, if you’re a group then please read our group guide before purchasing tickets.  If you’re coming in a group of 6 – 10, we highly recommend purchasing one of our tables.  If none are available then please purchase the VIP tickets if you want to guarantee seating together

What are the different Ticket Types?

We have 4 different tickets types for you to choose from.

FUNKY TICKET:  We were advised to call this ticket the ‘Standard ticket’,  however, we don’t run a ‘standard show’ we don’t have standard staff and we don’t have a standard audience.  We like to think everything we do is a little bit special….a little bit funky.  This will probably be the ticket for you.  This ticket admits you to show, when you arrive you will have your choice of seating but you are not allocated a seat.  They come in a first come, first serve basis.  Around 60% of our venue is free seating. If you arrive late there is a small chance there won’t be any seats remaining and you’d have to stand but this is very rare.  (This is common practice at comedy events)

VIP TICKET:  Having an extra special night out?  Our VIP ticket will reserve you a chair on one of the first three rows….(normally the second or third row unless you request the first).   with your name on it and…if you like, feel free to send us a little message and we’ll be happy to put that on the reserved sign.  e.g. “Happy Anniversary Honey”.  Our venue is around 95% seated so a VIP ticket is a good option if you want to guarantee a seat.

STUDENT:  We like students, they’re young, they brighten up the place a little and I was one once and enjoyed the discounts.  If you are a student and you have a valid student card….then purchase this ticket.  You will need to remember to bring that card with you or you will be charged an upgrade fee….yes, I also got a real job but still tried the old, “I’m a student, but I’ve not got my card”  That patter won’t work on us.

TABLE :  We have 3 tables in the venue (sometimes 4) These are similar in style to a picnic table, with 2 benches either side of a table.  Each bench holds up to 5 people (although be warned, if there are members of your group who erm, enjoy life to the fullest…then you might want to limit it to a table of 8 just to be on the safe side – we haven’t had this problem yet)  Tables hold 6 – 10 people and are great for large groups.

Make The Payment

Quick Purchase

Most of you will be looking for tickets for our next available show.  If you already know the line-up (or you don’t like reading those things) you can purchase tickets directly from our homepage.

1) At the bottom of the screen there will be the option to purchase tickets
2) Select the quantity of tickets and click ‘Add to Cart’ (Don’t worry this can be edited from the cart) At the tickets to the cart and when you’re finished click


Choose a date either from the sidebar or from the live show list

On the event page there will be a ticket selector:

  1. TicketType Select the ticket & the quantity that best meets your needs.
  2. Click ‘Add to Cart’
  3. Once you’ve clicked; ‘Add to Cart’ the text  will change to read ‘Ticket added to Cart To view the cart, simply click on the word cart withing the ticket selector.
  4. When you click the Add to Cart the Cart page will open.

The Cart


Once you look at the cart you can adjust any ticket quantities and add a discount code (if you’re on the mailing list you will receive the code as part of the newsletter).  

Underneath the ticket information you insert your name and email address and click: PROCEED TO CHECKOUT

PaypalThe paypal payment screen will appear.  If you don’t have paypal, don’t worry you can pay by Debit or Credit Card through Paypal even if you do not have a Paypal account.  If you look underneath the Login details you’ll see the options for

> Pay with a debit or credit card.

Once you confirm the purchase your tickets they will be delivered straight to your inbox.  Print these off and bring them with you on the night.  If you don’t have a printer you can show them on your smart phone…and if you don’t have a smart phone or a printer…jeez what century are you from?? Only kidding, we’ll have your name on our door list anyway.


Q) What if the tables aren’t booked, can we sit on them.

A) Yes, if the tables aren’t booked they are open to any of our audience.  However, please note, if we have sold out, you will be sharing the table with other people and will be asked to pub bags and jackets to one side.  We’d rather have our audience members sitting than your bag p.s. Yes we have had 2 people trying to sprawl out and take over a table for 10.

Q) Why VIP tickets exist? Is it all just an extra way for us to make a few extra quid?
A)  Far from it.  The Admiral Bar is around 92% seated.  Like all the other comedy clubs in Glasgow we operated on a first come first serve basis for seats and some of those venues have as little as 60% seating.  When we don’t sell out, it’s not a problem, however when we do sell out, it doesn’t matter that we put the information on the ticket and send out an email telling people it’s first come first serve, we would always have either someone about 8 months pregnant, someone with a medical condition or a large party.  These people would arrive, normally about 15 seconds before the show was about to begin and say “I need a chair...or “I need 8 chairs together”.   We realised that this was making for unhappy customers and that’s not something we’re interested in.  So now, we have added the option.  If you 100% want to be sitting next to your friends / partner etc.  you can either buy a normal ticket and turn up in plenty of time….or you can pay a little extra and have a seat reserved for you.

Q) The Ticket System looks different?

A) From July 2015, we shall be using a new ticket system called Tickera.

If you’ve never booked tickets with us before, the new system is very similar to Amazon where you add your tickets to a cart then checkout and pay for the tickets.

For our regulars, it’s the same process as before…but with 1 extra step…I’m sure you delightfully intelligent people will manage 🙂

Q) Why did you change systems?

A) It’s a long, long story and I’ve been waiting for a new system for 18 months…get me a diet Irn-bru one night and I’ll tell you about it.  Basically, we will now be able to sell tickets to more than one show at a time and it will take care of some other issues.

Q) Can I buy tickets on the door?

A) When we don’t sell out, there may be tickets available on the door and yes you can buy these.  Currently the best way to check to see if there are any tickets remaining is to have a look at our facebook page

Q) Can I reserve tickets and pay on the door?

Often when people go on a night out they phone a restaurant and reserve a table.  People often phone us and ask if the same option is available.  Sadly the answer is no. In an ideal world this is what every customer would like.  Trust me, we get it, you don’t want to buy tickets only to discover that you can’t make it, one of your friends can’t make it, you get sick, you can’t get transport.  We’ve tried this in the past and what we’ve learned from it is that if people reserve tickets they

100% want tickets to be there if they arrive

They 100% will not pay for tickets if they don’t arrive.

Sadly we can not work this way.  We know you 100% intend on coming and will offer us gaurentees and tell us how trustworthy you are…that’s what the other people have done.  We had one customer pestering me for a whole month phoning every 3 days to ensure I hadn’t given the seats away who wanted a table reserved right down the front and they would 100% pay on the night…they never turned up, turns out one person changed their mind and therefore they all just decided to go somewhere else.  They didn’t tell me that though.  I’ve never been one to let one bad apple spoil the bunch…but we’ve had many bad apples spoiling many bunches.  So we’ve came to the conclusion, people who don’t want to commit to buying tickets online aren’t commiting to coming to the show.  If you want to reserve a ticket, you can do so by buying a ticket.

Q) Can I buy tickets over the phone
A) We don’t currently offer this service but it might be something we consider in the future.

Q) I purchased tickets but I can’t make it? What are my options?

A) If you have purchased tickets to a show and you can’t make it please let us know ASAP and we’ll see if we can help you out.  Be warned most times, we won’t be able to offer a refund.  However, unlike other companies we will try to help. If you purchase tickets for the wrong date (i.e. the Friday rather than the Saturday) then we can normally swap these.  Also, if we’ve sold out, we can try and put you in contact with someone looking to buy tickets.  In the past people have let us know that they won’t be able to make a show and we’ve managed to sell the tickets on the door and offered the person tickets to next month’s show as a thank you for letting us know.  Drop us an email to at your earliest convenience.

If you can’t make it, you can sell/give your tickets to someone else.  If your name is Adam and you give your tickets to Eve, Eve can either let us know….or she can just say Adam’s name on the door.  We’re not overly fussed about who’s name is on the ticket so feel free to sell / give away extra tickets.



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