Next Enterteasement April 21st

Howdy folks, just a wee update.  The Next Enterteasement will be on April 21st @ The Admiral on Waterloo Street.  Out of the 4 venue’s we’ve used this is the most suited to our needs.  So there are NO big barriers!! Yes believe it or not, everyone will be able to see the show which can only be a good thing.  They have a proper in built sound system as well so we’ll have no sound problems and…yes I’m bringing in a sound guy – no running around like a mad man doing it myself.  In fact if you know someone please let me know.

Survey Results

The main complaints we’ve had were about the venue which is a good thing but other things have been included as well. So from now on there will be a sound guy and the budget for the burlesque acts has been increased. I’ve managed to do a wee deal with a company in Glasgow called Negotiate Now who are in the news quite a bit at the moment. So essentially, they’re going to do a bit of marketing for me and in return I’m going to push some discount cards for them. So here’s the deal:

Venue hire has Increased

Burlesque Budget Increased

Comedy Budget Increased

Sound Technician added to the wage bill

Price per ticket has to go up – sorry guys.  But here’s my deal (hopefully) As Negotiate now are spreading the word, that means that I don’t have to spend as much on advertising and as you lovely people are sharing the event and bringing people it’s keeping my time down in that regard.  So here’s my thoughts.  The price of the ticket is going up to £15…However, you’ll still be able to get in for £10 – £12.  Here’s how.  The Negotiate Now Discount Card is Awesome…I’ve used it for resteraunts, getting PCs & Iphone screen repaired and also for plumbing work done at home.  The Stand Comedy Club was a member as well for a time being and believe it or not you can even get drinks cheaper in Walkabout with the card! Sweet!

The card costs £2 and I’ll have a batch of them at the door or you can purchase one online at to speed up the whole door process.  Once you’ve purchased one you get your discount to the event for as long as it runs & all the other benefits as well.

The Negotiate Now guys are also trying to find a restaurant near by that will offer a discount on some food on our nights – so for those of you who wanna pop in or a bite to eat you’ll be able to get it cheaper near The Admiral.

Right I’m pretty sure that’s all for now folks.

Hopefully Thursday will have the full line-up and some good news 😉

Oh, there’s also an Enterteasement type event on in Mansion house on Thursday so if you want tickets to that then please feel free to contact me for details.  I believe there’s 2 comedians, some magic, burlesque and some singers.  It’s hosted by a Miss Scotland Contender so plenty of legs and teeth.



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