May 10th Review

May 10th Enterteasement Review

What a night! What a SHOW!!! The acts were incredible, the audience were perfect – I’m just sad to say it’s over! Here’s a wee re-cap on the journey.

The Story

We always try to put on the very best line-ups with the resources we have and over the we’ve had some quite spectacular shows. However, this month was one of those months that for some unbeknown reason some of the elite of the Comedy, Magic & Burlesque world were free. It’s been our biggest show ever and the first time we’ve actually provided travel & accommodation for the burlesque acts. (Travel = Train, accomodation = they stayed at mine). This was our most expensive line-up and to balance things off a little we increased the price by £1. Boy you guys didn’t like that!! and it showed in the ticket sales! After our February & March show successes where the tickets sold out in up to 3 weeks before the show I thought this show would have been similar to Robbie Williams doing a warm-up gig for Michael Jackson! But no! The tickets went very, very slowly and for a while I thought we’d actually be empty. However, on the day of the show we sold the last 24 tickets and had a nice busy room.

The Show

STU WHO? Compere / Comedian

Stu Who ComedianStuWho is a very special acts for us. He’s known as The Godfather of Scottish Comedy and he’s been there from the start and literally done it all. TV, massive theatres, working with celebrities, travelled the world etc. Whenever a comedian asks me for advice I say, “Add StuWho on Facebook, watch what he does, find out where he gigs and learn.” He’s a guy who does everything right – When I informed him I’d forgotten to print of the running orders he said, “It’s ok I’ve brought my own” Now that’s professional! It’s always special for me having Stu on the bill because I remember the first time I asked Stu to do Enterteasement, he hadn’t heard of us as we were still quite new and he’s one of the acts who normally only plays the big clubs / theatres. To my surprise he was free and he had a question / condition. it wasn’t changing rooms, poster, description – a bowl of blue smarties. He asked:

“Is it a fun gig?”

I said yes and he signed up and luckily for us he loved the gig and has been back twice since then.

Before I (Woody) took to the stage to go over the house rules I was a little worried as the audience were really quiet and there was a lack of energy in the room. I said to Stu “I’m a bit worried as there seems to be a lack of energy in the room” Stu simply replied, “Well I’lll f***in fix that!” And that’s exactly what he did.  Stu took to the stage and with a commanding performance took charge and got the show the audience laughing and ready for the first act.

Great compere!! – Kirsty Wilson

COLIN CLOUD – Mentalist

Mind-reader A Trendy Sherlock Holmes walked onto the stage and after some lighthearted interaction with the audience he chose 2 people at random to come on stage. One audience member was to think of a word and the other was to think of a card. It just so happens one of the people he picked was Gary Meikle – one of our comedians from March. It was quite funny to see Gary who’s got great stage presence on stage sh***in himself as he was so excited to be involved in the trick and worried people might recognise him and think he was a stooge. Colin, Successfully read what card Gary was thinking of and what word the woman was thinking of.

He then gave the audience the chance to think of any question they wanted. He picked the birthday girl and figured out she came from Irvin, had 2 cats and knew what the names of the cats were.

He finished on his signature piece which not only amazes me; but, really annoys me as I’ve seen it several times and I can’t figure out how it’s done. Colin asks a member of the audience to think of a Surname and just by looking at them figures it out. It almost too perfect; but is one of the closest things to real magic I’ve ever seen. Great performance from one of Scotland’s future big named stars.

Absolutely loved the mind-reader guy never seen anything like that before – Margaret McGeoch

LULU ROXX – Blonde Burlesque

LuLu RoxxAll the way from Newcastle the World Burlesque Games Best Newcomer 2013 came to stage with a fantastic act involving Maracas, an umbrella.  . Not only is Lulu beautiful but you can tell as soon as she walks on stage that she’s a trained dancer. Every step was clearly thought out, she interacted with the audience, flirted and had lots of high impact moves to get great reactions from the crowd.  Her first act was of a cheecky Swedish girl who came on with the a trench coat and stripped while teasing the audience.

Her second act  was more fast paced with a bump and grind edge and big impact moves.  This had the big finish of some glittery champagne which covered some of the audience.  Most of whom loved it except the girls with the fake tan in the front row.

That bendy blonde girl was amazing – I want to marry her – Hazel Murray

TILLY TASSLE – Burlesque

Tilly Tassle Burlesque act with champagneLULU’s partner in crime came to the stage with the same level of class, beauty and stage presence. Now I have to appologise becase I’m not uptodate with my gymnastic terms so there were cartwheel / handstandy type things, splits and bending in ways normal people can’t bend. All in time with the Boom Town music and totally spectacular. This act started slow, then there was a music change into a higher energy act The finish for this act was a champagne finish (one of the classics in burlesque) and it was an excellent way to finish the first half.

Her second act introduced an Enterteasement first – ‘Talcum Powder’  This was combined with some glitter and hidden in a large feather fan.  When she waved this it created a glittery smoke that temporarily covered the audience.  The act started slow but after a music change she changed tracks to a more upbeat song and introduced a mixture of acrobatics and balletic dance movement creating a circus inspired spectacle.

 Smoking hot burlesque – best I’ve ever seen


Rosco McSkeleton ComedianReal Name Rosco McClelland, Rosco used to be a Stand-up comedian, pretty good and decided to do the Skeleton as a one off at Halloween. Unfortunately for him it went really well, it was unique, original and a breath of fresh air for the Scottish comedy scene. If you haven’t seen it, imagine a Glaswegian Jack Dee with a skeleton painted on his face. He takes to the stage and in a very deep voice he delivers his terrifying true tales to the audience. His slow delivery creates a tension in the audience as they’re dying to laugh but at scared to miss the punchline.

it was absolute class! loved every minute of it as did our audience. One of his punchlines caused our photographer, Stuart Crawford, to buckle over nearly dropping his camera in the process.

Also, something that surprised me was the amount of women who came up to me after the show to say,

“See that Skeleton – he was so sexy” – numerous women

JANEY GODLEY – Headline Comedian

Janey Godley ComedianJaney has been on our bucket list for 2 years which is quite ironic because after crossed her off the bucket list I added, ‘Buy new bucket’ to my shopping list.

To my surprise Janey has never performed in The Admiral Bar (we bit of trivia for you – Billy Connelly has – sadly not at Enterteasement) So I think she was pleasantly surprised when she walked through to see seats a stage and a full room of happy punters (that’s quite a rarity). I’ve never seen Janey do the same set twice – she just opens her mouth and funny comes out. When the audience stops laughing she starts again. It was one of our strongest headline performances we’ve had at Enterteasement with her twitter jokes and stories of her husband going getting great reactions.  We’ve now had 7 female comedians and 2 female comedy magicians and after each show people always come up to me and say; “I don’t normally find woman funny but she was amazing”. I don’t book people to ‘tick a box’ I book people I think our audience will like (rant over). They didn’t like Janey they loved her! She walked off stage to a tremendous response and it was a shame she had to run to another gig as she would have heard yet another great reaction when Stu closed the show.

[after seeing Janey]  Need more botox, my laughter lines are now back.  Mrs Murray


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Funny stories

Kick the bucket: After the burlesque girls done their champagne routines, I mopped the floor – the novelty value seeing a man with a mop seemed to make some of our female audience members happy. The novelty value quickly wore off for when I ended up breaking the fu**in bucket – doh!

Born Winner: At the start of the evening I introduce the house rules and some bits of housekeeping.  One of which is that you can win free tickets by filling in the comment cards.  When I walked off a male asked if I was collecting the comment cards yet.  I said “well the show hasn’t started yet so you how can you have any comments about it? “  He’s responded, “I just really want to win the free tickets” 

Real men wear pink: Regulars come in different shapes and sizes but one of our guys Mike, has asked to take booth 1 for the next year!  Very impressive.  Mike turns up every month but we’ve noticed that he’s got a thing for his favourite white shirt.  So on his reserved sign last month we wrote, “We think you should wear a pink shirt next month”.  As Mike’s a real man – he own’s a roofing company, we thought – there’s no way he would wear a pink shirt.  However true enough – he arrives wearing a pink shirt and 007 cufflinks just to keep his manly status 🙂

Strange answer: Colin Cloud asked an audience member to think of someone they knew.  He then said, “And when was the last time you thought of this person?”  Any normal person would think about this for a while and probably not know and say “last week”, “I don’t know, “a while ago”.  Our audience member was more specific, “When did you last think of this person”  He instantly responded “Friday”  (Maybe you had to be there – but it was funny)



We went upstairs and had a drink and all just really had that feeling of “that was brilliant”

We received the following comments:

“Best Enterteasement Ever”

“Best Burlesque you’ve had at Enterteasement”

“Best Stand-up Comedy Show i’ve ever Attended”

“Miles better than The Stand”

“Best night out I’ve had in 3 years”

“Colin looks trendier every time”

“What’s it called when you want to pump a skeleton?”

After the show the girls came back to mine and what lovely girls they are. You look at these 2 stunnng girls and you think DIVA and you’d be wrong – amazingly down to earth. As they’d been travelling the whole day and performing at night I was going to take them out for something to eat and where did they choose? McDonalds! When they left, the tidied up and made the bed and couldn’t have been nicer or been less hassle.

See Our Acts Again?

If you would like to see any of our acts then please add them on facebook check them out as they tour all over and why not spread the love by hitting the like button on their page and telling them you enjoyed their act. That would be your good deed for the day and would encourage them to grace our stage oncemore.


JANEY GODLEY: Can be seen gigging all over Scotland and you can listen into her award winning (and very funny) weekly podcast done with her daughter & fellow comic Ashley Storie.,

ROSCO MCSKELETON: Skeleton Comedian:

COLIN CLEOD: (Mind-reader) Performs at the Stand Monthly & lots of shows at the Edinburgh Fringe,,

LULU ROXX: Blonde Burlesque Girl: Part Of The Headline Honey’s who travel the UK.,

TILLY TASSLE: Dark Haired Burlesque: Part of the The Coquette Collective (Mixed Burlesque troupe)


without you guys there wouldn’t be a show, so massive thanks to all of you including:

The party of 13 for Kirsty Gale. She send us a facebook message to say the day after to say:

“We all had a fab night last night! Thanks again for helping with the tickets!”

Chris Whitehead: Chris has been at our last 3 shows but he is a special audience member. He draws some of the acts. We asked him why he does this and he said, “I go to a lot of shows and I get so much from them that I just wanted to give something back” What a great attitude!

Ashish: Has now been to the last 3 shows and says they just keep getting better.

Byron & Fiona: These guys came to see StuWho about 7 months ago and fell in love with Enterteasement. They come most months now and bring different people with them and always look glamorous.

The Superfans / Hardcore regulars / the ever presents . Tamara & Derek, George Price (who came on his lonesome), The Early bird & photobomber, Neil – who never told me it was his birthday!! (ya fud – I owe you a pint!), his crew is so big it now has sub-crews from Jocelyn. Oh, and where’s Stephanie?- That’s 2 shows she’s been missing, if it hits a third show I’m reporting her missing.

John Brown: John attended our very first show and this is him finally coming back!

Ami Lee:  Booked the booth at 5pm on the day of the show.  Found the gig because someone in the group had said she had seen Janey and wanted to see her again.  Ended up with one of them being a burlesque dancer and wanting to perform for us – small world.

JAGGY PICKLES: Our main fan who can be found on booth 1 – he loves the show so much he’s just asked if he can take the booth until further notice 🙂

Big Thanks To

Our Team: Cupcake, Star, Amanda, Stuart Crawford, Lindsey Leeper.
The Admiral:  Who’ve been great with us – we heard great things about the burgers!

Next Show

JUNE 14th – Tickets on Sale Soon



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