New Booking System

Hi Guys, Been receiving a lot of phone calls regarding February 8th.

Firstly, Thanks for the interest – we are 100% having a show and love how you’re all interested in us 🙂
Secondly, It’s a great line-up.  Scott Agnew, Raymond Mearns, Julia Sutherland, Kim Khaos, Tom Harlow, Shakewell Tarts, Rachel Renegade & Charlie Atlas.

So why aren’t the tickets on sale?

We’ve been using a system that some people have been having problems with and it costs us about £700 a year to use so we’re implementing a new system rated to be the best one and it’s actually a wee bit cheaper as well.  The support for this system is in USA so we’re just waiting to hear back before we do the full launch.  It was the plan to do this last week but the Comedy show took up a lot of time to get us.

Sorry for wait but it’ll make things much easier in the future.



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